Disciple Science Podcast
Five minutes just isn't enough time.
Each Disciple Science video is a concise overview of a big topic that can't be fully addressed in one short video. The Disciple Science podcast give us more time to discuss these complex issues by adding conversations to that content. There will be expert guests and opportunities to have your questions answered. We want you to join the conversation.! Post your questions in the comments section on YouTube, on the Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter. |
Episode 46: Hunting and fishing and your spiritual life with the Reverend Hunter
The Reverend Hunter is an evangelist but maybe not in the way you think. Dr. Tony Jones does like to talk about Jesus but he is equally effusive about how time in nature, and especially hunting, is good for our spiritual journey. This conversation explores some new topics since I am not an avid hunter or fisherman but there is a lot examine as we consider how hunting and fishing bring us face to face with the death that is both abundant in the natural world and is necessary to bring about life.
The Reverend Hunter is an evangelist but maybe not in the way you think. Dr. Tony Jones does like to talk about Jesus but he is equally effusive about how time in nature, and especially hunting, is good for our spiritual journey. This conversation explores some new topics since I am not an avid hunter or fisherman but there is a lot examine as we consider how hunting and fishing bring us face to face with the death that is both abundant in the natural world and is necessary to bring about life.
Episode 45: Young Evangelicals and Climate Change with Tori Goebel
The church is waking up to the climate crisis, in part because the youth among us insist that we do. In this episode, I talk with Tori Goebel, national organizer and spokesperson for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA). They have taken the lead in preparing young people to lead the discussion on climate in the church and community. We discuss how young Christians see the environmental movement, what type of actions they want to take to fight climate change, if they should talk with their parents about these issues, and the inspiring stories of the young leaders coming out of Young Evangelicals for Climate Action.
The church is waking up to the climate crisis, in part because the youth among us insist that we do. In this episode, I talk with Tori Goebel, national organizer and spokesperson for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA). They have taken the lead in preparing young people to lead the discussion on climate in the church and community. We discuss how young Christians see the environmental movement, what type of actions they want to take to fight climate change, if they should talk with their parents about these issues, and the inspiring stories of the young leaders coming out of Young Evangelicals for Climate Action.
Episode 44: The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One with Dr. Gregg Davidson
Much of the tensions between science and Christianity over the past century can be tied to differing interpretations of Genesis one. While searching for the singular best interpretation, few have considered that Genesis intentionally communicates multiple valid and important messages simultaneously. In this episode, Dale speaks with Dr. Gregg Davidson, co-author of The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One, to talk about why we should reconsider our approach to the first page of the Biblical narrative.
Much of the tensions between science and Christianity over the past century can be tied to differing interpretations of Genesis one. While searching for the singular best interpretation, few have considered that Genesis intentionally communicates multiple valid and important messages simultaneously. In this episode, Dale speaks with Dr. Gregg Davidson, co-author of The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One, to talk about why we should reconsider our approach to the first page of the Biblical narrative.
Episode 43: A climate scientist's case for hope and healing in a divided world - a conversation with Dr. Katharine Hayhoe
Our changing climate, and its devastating impacts on our world, have left many of us with little hope. If you are struggling with anxiety about the climate or just looking for good news about what is being done to dig out of this mess, we recommend you read the latest book from Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, “Saving Us: a climate scientist's case for hope and healing in a divided world”. In this conversation you will hear Dale and Katharine discuss the climate, Christianity, science and how to find hope.
Our changing climate, and its devastating impacts on our world, have left many of us with little hope. If you are struggling with anxiety about the climate or just looking for good news about what is being done to dig out of this mess, we recommend you read the latest book from Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, “Saving Us: a climate scientist's case for hope and healing in a divided world”. In this conversation you will hear Dale and Katharine discuss the climate, Christianity, science and how to find hope.
Episode 42: Interfaith Youth Core Vaccine Ambasadors
When it comes to Christianity and the Covid 19 vaccine, things are complicated. We all long for the end of the pandemic and the health of our neighbors, but some of us are exposed to confusing and misleading information on the vaccines and the infection itself. How can we have respectful dialogue when we are surrounded by so much vitriol and misinformation? Don't you wish you could talk to someone you trust? In this episode, I talk with Madelyn Schwieters, Christine David, and Kendall Luman about their experience with the Interfaith Youth Corps faith and the vaccine ambassadors program. They talk about their roles in speaking with their community about the vaccine in an effort to encourage more people to get the shot.
When it comes to Christianity and the Covid 19 vaccine, things are complicated. We all long for the end of the pandemic and the health of our neighbors, but some of us are exposed to confusing and misleading information on the vaccines and the infection itself. How can we have respectful dialogue when we are surrounded by so much vitriol and misinformation? Don't you wish you could talk to someone you trust? In this episode, I talk with Madelyn Schwieters, Christine David, and Kendall Luman about their experience with the Interfaith Youth Corps faith and the vaccine ambassadors program. They talk about their roles in speaking with their community about the vaccine in an effort to encourage more people to get the shot.
Episode 41: Why are white evangelicals so skeptical of climate change? The Gospel of Climate Skepticism with Dr. Robin Globus Veldman
Climate change; is it real, is it serious, and is it caused by humans? Ask people these questions and you will notice a trend: white evangelicals are among the most skeptical of Americans. Dr. Robin Globus Veldman sought out to make sense of that pattern and her excellent book, The Gospel of Climate Skepticism: Why Evangelical Christians Oppose Action on Climate Change is a fascinating summary of her dive into why some Christians are indifferent to climate change.
Climate change; is it real, is it serious, and is it caused by humans? Ask people these questions and you will notice a trend: white evangelicals are among the most skeptical of Americans. Dr. Robin Globus Veldman sought out to make sense of that pattern and her excellent book, The Gospel of Climate Skepticism: Why Evangelical Christians Oppose Action on Climate Change is a fascinating summary of her dive into why some Christians are indifferent to climate change.
Episode 40: The Sparrow's Call: a conversation with John Kirkwood
John Kirkwood is a pastor who started an organization called the Sparrows Call and a YouTube interview show called Voices in the Wilderness. He is working to reach those who disassociated with Christianity, the exvangelicals, the nones and the dones, by creating spaces to explore Christianity (and science) outside of the confines of a traditional church. He is a voice of wisdom for those who are deconstructing and reconstructing their Christian faith who may be critical of religious but compelled by Jesus. Enjoy this wide-ranging discussion with pastor John Kirkwood.
John Kirkwood is a pastor who started an organization called the Sparrows Call and a YouTube interview show called Voices in the Wilderness. He is working to reach those who disassociated with Christianity, the exvangelicals, the nones and the dones, by creating spaces to explore Christianity (and science) outside of the confines of a traditional church. He is a voice of wisdom for those who are deconstructing and reconstructing their Christian faith who may be critical of religious but compelled by Jesus. Enjoy this wide-ranging discussion with pastor John Kirkwood.
Episode 39: Stewards of Eden: a conversation with Dr. Sandra Richter
Many of us wrestle with two questions that we falsely believe are unrelated. How should I relate to nature and the environment around me and how should I relate to God? Old Testament scholar Dr. Sandra Richter's connects those two topics in her latest book, the delightfully readable and quotable, Stewards of Eden. In this episode we discuss her shared interests in Biblical scholarship and Christian Earth-keeping how the first pages of the Bible, the laws in the Torah and even the New Testament depict our participation in Gods kingdom intertwined with our relationship with the world around us.
Many of us wrestle with two questions that we falsely believe are unrelated. How should I relate to nature and the environment around me and how should I relate to God? Old Testament scholar Dr. Sandra Richter's connects those two topics in her latest book, the delightfully readable and quotable, Stewards of Eden. In this episode we discuss her shared interests in Biblical scholarship and Christian Earth-keeping how the first pages of the Bible, the laws in the Torah and even the New Testament depict our participation in Gods kingdom intertwined with our relationship with the world around us.
Episode 38: Christians at the intersection of ecology and faith: a conversation with Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap
Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap is emerging as a voice of reason, wisdom and grace as Christians explore our relationship with the created world In this episode of the Disciple Science podcast hear Kyle and Dale talk about how he came to see care of creation as a central part of Christian discipleship (hint, it had something to do with his brothers dietary choices) and how we should view our relationship with the created order.
This episode can also be viewed on YouTube here.
Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap is emerging as a voice of reason, wisdom and grace as Christians explore our relationship with the created world In this episode of the Disciple Science podcast hear Kyle and Dale talk about how he came to see care of creation as a central part of Christian discipleship (hint, it had something to do with his brothers dietary choices) and how we should view our relationship with the created order.
This episode can also be viewed on YouTube here.
Episode 37: What the Galileo affair can teach us about the origins debate
The Galileo affair is often portrayed as a science vs. faith scenario where a narrow minded Catholic church punished an innovative scientist for trusting his data. However, the true story is much more complex and reveals lessons on wisdom that apply to every opportunity to defend your beliefs.
The Galileo affair is often portrayed as a science vs. faith scenario where a narrow minded Catholic church punished an innovative scientist for trusting his data. However, the true story is much more complex and reveals lessons on wisdom that apply to every opportunity to defend your beliefs.
Episode 36: Science and spiritual deconstruction - Sparrow's call interview of Dale Gentry
Why are so many Evangelicals walking away from the Christian Faith? Is Modern Science compatible with Christianity? Is a secular education or a fundamentalist upbringing the "slippery slope" that leads to deconstruction? This week's episode features an interview of Dr. Dale Gentry by John James Kirkwood and Kristine Johnson at the The Sparrow's Call, a ministry that seeks to reach those that have walked away from their faith.
Why are so many Evangelicals walking away from the Christian Faith? Is Modern Science compatible with Christianity? Is a secular education or a fundamentalist upbringing the "slippery slope" that leads to deconstruction? This week's episode features an interview of Dr. Dale Gentry by John James Kirkwood and Kristine Johnson at the The Sparrow's Call, a ministry that seeks to reach those that have walked away from their faith.
Episode 35: Thomas Kuhn, Scientific Revolutions and Biblical Interpretation
Science is always changing but the Biblical canon is fixed. While that is technically true, it doesn't account for the subtle ways Biblical interpretation mimics scientific analysis. This video discusses how the transition from geocentrism to heliocentrism influenced our understanding of the Bible and Dr. Gentry presents his belief that Biblical interpretation functions like Thomas Kuhn's models of science.
Science is always changing but the Biblical canon is fixed. While that is technically true, it doesn't account for the subtle ways Biblical interpretation mimics scientific analysis. This video discusses how the transition from geocentrism to heliocentrism influenced our understanding of the Bible and Dr. Gentry presents his belief that Biblical interpretation functions like Thomas Kuhn's models of science.
Episode 34: Toward a Harmonious Future: The Christian Church and Scientific Thought (part 3 of 3)
In the first two weeks of this series, Dale explores the history behind the tension between science and Christianity. In this third week, Dale presents a pathway out of the tension paradigm into a more compatible future.
In the first two weeks of this series, Dale explores the history behind the tension between science and Christianity. In this third week, Dale presents a pathway out of the tension paradigm into a more compatible future.
Episode 33: Retracing Our Steps: The Christian Church and Scientific Thought (2 of 3)
The history of the relationship between science and Christianity can show us the source of the tension and produce insights on how to get out of the conflict paradigm. This is the second of a three part speaking engagement at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN on the history of the Christian church and scientific thought. My goal was to show that the source of the conflict is not between science and religion but in they ways we used science and understood scripture, two areas that can both be revised.
The history of the relationship between science and Christianity can show us the source of the tension and produce insights on how to get out of the conflict paradigm. This is the second of a three part speaking engagement at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN on the history of the Christian church and scientific thought. My goal was to show that the source of the conflict is not between science and religion but in they ways we used science and understood scripture, two areas that can both be revised.
Episode 32: Retracing Our Steps: The Christian Church and Scientific Thought (1 of 3)
This is the first of a three part speaking engagement at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN on the history of the Christian church and scientific thought. My goal was to show how the current model of conflict between science and Christianity has not always been, and does not necessarily need to persist.
This is the first of a three part speaking engagement at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN on the history of the Christian church and scientific thought. My goal was to show how the current model of conflict between science and Christianity has not always been, and does not necessarily need to persist.
Episode 31: The Bible and ancient science - Conversation with Dr. Denis Lamoureux?
The Bible is a book of science, but it is a book of ancient science, and that is just the way God wanted it to be. In his latest book, The Bible & Ancient Science: Principles of Interpretation, Dr. Denis Lamoureux helps readers understand why scripture often doesn't align with modern science and why that isn't a problem. This conversation give further depth to our discussion of the influence of Copernicus and Galileo and the transition to heliocentrism and how to read the Bible in light of modern science.
Dr. Lamoureux's Coursera class - Science and Religion 101
The Bible and Ancient Science - Book link on Amazon
You can watch this episode on YouTube here
The Bible is a book of science, but it is a book of ancient science, and that is just the way God wanted it to be. In his latest book, The Bible & Ancient Science: Principles of Interpretation, Dr. Denis Lamoureux helps readers understand why scripture often doesn't align with modern science and why that isn't a problem. This conversation give further depth to our discussion of the influence of Copernicus and Galileo and the transition to heliocentrism and how to read the Bible in light of modern science.
Dr. Lamoureux's Coursera class - Science and Religion 101
The Bible and Ancient Science - Book link on Amazon
You can watch this episode on YouTube here
Episode 30: Why are we so confident about heliocentrism?
500 years ago almost everyone was certain that the earth was at the center of our solar system (geocentrism) but now we are certain that it is not (heliocentrism). This podcast/vlog discusses that transition to provide context to the bigger debate about how to read the Bible. In a later episode we will cover how these scientific findings were received by readers of the Bible and why they are so frequently mentioned when we discuss Biblical interpretation.
You can watch this episode on YouTube here
500 years ago almost everyone was certain that the earth was at the center of our solar system (geocentrism) but now we are certain that it is not (heliocentrism). This podcast/vlog discusses that transition to provide context to the bigger debate about how to read the Bible. In a later episode we will cover how these scientific findings were received by readers of the Bible and why they are so frequently mentioned when we discuss Biblical interpretation.
You can watch this episode on YouTube here
Episode 29: Conversation with Dr. Elaine Howard Ecklund, author of Why Science and Faith Need Each Other (29)
Dr. Elaine Howard Ecklund is a Professor of Sociology and director of the Religion and Public Life Program at Rice University. Her recent book, "Why Science and Faith Need Each Other: 8 Shared Values that Move us Beyond Fear" takes a novel approach emphasizing similarities rather than differences between science and faith. We discuss her book and her years of experience studying the people groups involved in the intersection of science and Christian faith.
Why Science and Faith Need Each Other - https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0821NVBVM&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_sXXfFbGEC0FZ3
Religion and Public Life Program at Rice University - https://rplp.rice.edu/
Read more about Elaine and her work at her personal website - http://www.elainehowardecklund.com/
Dr. Elaine Howard Ecklund is a Professor of Sociology and director of the Religion and Public Life Program at Rice University. Her recent book, "Why Science and Faith Need Each Other: 8 Shared Values that Move us Beyond Fear" takes a novel approach emphasizing similarities rather than differences between science and faith. We discuss her book and her years of experience studying the people groups involved in the intersection of science and Christian faith.
Why Science and Faith Need Each Other - https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0821NVBVM&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_sXXfFbGEC0FZ3
Religion and Public Life Program at Rice University - https://rplp.rice.edu/
Read more about Elaine and her work at her personal website - http://www.elainehowardecklund.com/
Episode 27: Can Christian doctrine help us seek better solutions to the tensions around race, COVID-19 and the environment? (27)
Christian theology contains a few remarkable paradoxes. That Jesus was fully God and fully Human, the trinitarian nature of God, the now and not yet of the Kingdom of God. These oddities of Christian doctrine do not make simple rational sense and yet we are invited to seek God through these foundational paradoxes. They should prepare us to recognize when we are offered dualistic false dichotomies to societies problems. Yet false dichotomies are what lie at the center of our current tension around race relations, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the best way to tend and watch over God's good creation. Today on the disciple science podcast, do we have to choose?
Christian theology contains a few remarkable paradoxes. That Jesus was fully God and fully Human, the trinitarian nature of God, the now and not yet of the Kingdom of God. These oddities of Christian doctrine do not make simple rational sense and yet we are invited to seek God through these foundational paradoxes. They should prepare us to recognize when we are offered dualistic false dichotomies to societies problems. Yet false dichotomies are what lie at the center of our current tension around race relations, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the best way to tend and watch over God's good creation. Today on the disciple science podcast, do we have to choose?
Episode 26: Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care - Interview with Dr. David Warners and Matthew Heun (part 2)
While Christians have a strong moral foundation for earth keeping, we don't have a sterling reputation for practicing what we preach. From that knowledge comes the recent book Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care, a collection of essays edited by and contributed to by Calvin University professors, Ecologist Dr. Dave Warners and Engineer Dr. Matt Heun. In this two part interview we talk about the Christian Environmental Stewardship paradigm, where it may be lacking and how we can re-frame a Christ centered commitment to tend and watch over all of God's creation to better inspire the next generation of earth keepers. This is the second half of the interview, check out last weeks episode for part one. Enjoy.
Beyond Stewardship (Amazon Link)
Beyond Stewardship website including links to chapter author interviews
While Christians have a strong moral foundation for earth keeping, we don't have a sterling reputation for practicing what we preach. From that knowledge comes the recent book Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care, a collection of essays edited by and contributed to by Calvin University professors, Ecologist Dr. Dave Warners and Engineer Dr. Matt Heun. In this two part interview we talk about the Christian Environmental Stewardship paradigm, where it may be lacking and how we can re-frame a Christ centered commitment to tend and watch over all of God's creation to better inspire the next generation of earth keepers. This is the second half of the interview, check out last weeks episode for part one. Enjoy.
Beyond Stewardship (Amazon Link)
Beyond Stewardship website including links to chapter author interviews
Episode 25: Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care - Interview with Dr. David Warners and Matthew Heun (part 1)
While Christians have a strong moral foundation for earth keeping, we don't have a sterling reputation for practicing what we preach. From that knowledge comes the recent book Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care, a collection of essays edited by and contributed to by Calvin University professors, Ecologist Dr. Dave Warners and Engineer Dr. Matt Heun. In this two part interview we talk about the Christian Environmental Stewardship paradigm, where it may be lacking and how we can re-frame a Christ centered commitment to tend and watch over all of God's creation to better inspire the next generation of earth keepers. This interview spanned two session so it will be released in two episodes, this is part one. Enjoy.
Beyond Stewardship (Amazon Link)
Beyond Stewardship website including links to chapter author interviews
While Christians have a strong moral foundation for earth keeping, we don't have a sterling reputation for practicing what we preach. From that knowledge comes the recent book Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care, a collection of essays edited by and contributed to by Calvin University professors, Ecologist Dr. Dave Warners and Engineer Dr. Matt Heun. In this two part interview we talk about the Christian Environmental Stewardship paradigm, where it may be lacking and how we can re-frame a Christ centered commitment to tend and watch over all of God's creation to better inspire the next generation of earth keepers. This interview spanned two session so it will be released in two episodes, this is part one. Enjoy.
Beyond Stewardship (Amazon Link)
Beyond Stewardship website including links to chapter author interviews
Episode 24: Does the Christian or secular worldview have a stronger foundation for environmental ethics?
"If you have a why, you can bear almost any how." This concept leads me to seek the "why" behind Christian earth-keeping and secular environmentalism to determine which worldview has a better foundation for stewardship of the environment.
The book Between Heaven and Earth by Fred Van Dyke is an excellent resource on the relationship between Christians and the environment and was a valuable resource for this episode. Link to the book on Amazon. https://amzn.to/2zcDwr1
(this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources to help people see how integrating science and Christian faith can inspire a fuller knowledge of God).
"If you have a why, you can bear almost any how." This concept leads me to seek the "why" behind Christian earth-keeping and secular environmentalism to determine which worldview has a better foundation for stewardship of the environment.
The book Between Heaven and Earth by Fred Van Dyke is an excellent resource on the relationship between Christians and the environment and was a valuable resource for this episode. Link to the book on Amazon. https://amzn.to/2zcDwr1
(this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources to help people see how integrating science and Christian faith can inspire a fuller knowledge of God).
Episode 23: Why don't we see God's creation as part of God's story?
Survey data show that evangelical Christians are among the least likely to identify as environmentalists and most likely to deny that humans play a role in climate change. In this first episode addressing the latest video, The Gospel and the Environment, we will explore what is behind the pattern of Christians wanting to disassociate from the environmental movement.
Survey data show that evangelical Christians are among the least likely to identify as environmentalists and most likely to deny that humans play a role in climate change. In this first episode addressing the latest video, The Gospel and the Environment, we will explore what is behind the pattern of Christians wanting to disassociate from the environmental movement.
Episode 22: Why are Christians among the LEAST environmentally aware social groups in the United States?
Survey data show that evangelical Christians are among the least likely to identify as environmentalists and most likely to deny that humans play a role in climate change. In this first episode addressing the latest video, The Gospel and the Environment, we will explore what is behind the pattern of Christians wanting to disassociate from the environmental movement.
Survey data show that evangelical Christians are among the least likely to identify as environmentalists and most likely to deny that humans play a role in climate change. In this first episode addressing the latest video, The Gospel and the Environment, we will explore what is behind the pattern of Christians wanting to disassociate from the environmental movement.
Episode 21: Faith, Science and the Coronavirus
We interrupt our normal schedule of discussing Disciple Science videos to address the topic of the day, the coronavirus pandemic. This topic invites us to integrate science's ability to understand how the world works and Christian faith's framework for hope, meaning, purpose, ethics and relationship. Dale will will talk about what we can learn from this shared experience and how to respond and act as Christians in the midst of economic, social, personal and social strife.
We interrupt our normal schedule of discussing Disciple Science videos to address the topic of the day, the coronavirus pandemic. This topic invites us to integrate science's ability to understand how the world works and Christian faith's framework for hope, meaning, purpose, ethics and relationship. Dale will will talk about what we can learn from this shared experience and how to respond and act as Christians in the midst of economic, social, personal and social strife.
Episode 20: The Works of His Hands: Interview with Biochemist Dr. Sy Garte (part 2)
Dr. Sy Garte has a remarkable story. Raised as an atheist, he came to follow Jesus in part because his training in science led him to question his materialist worldview. Hear the second half of his story in this week's episode. You can read the whole story in his recently published book, The Works of His Hands: A Scientists Journey from Atheism to Faith (linked below).
You can also see some of Sy's YouTube videos at his channel Faithful Syence at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQXuI1EBHajDPH8YJvePZYA
This is part two of an hour long interview. The first half was released in last week's podcast.
Amazon link to The Works of His Hands https://amzn.to/2QLJO6D (this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources showing how the integration of science and Christian faith can inspire a fuller knowledge of God).
Dr. Sy Garte has a remarkable story. Raised as an atheist, he came to follow Jesus in part because his training in science led him to question his materialist worldview. Hear the second half of his story in this week's episode. You can read the whole story in his recently published book, The Works of His Hands: A Scientists Journey from Atheism to Faith (linked below).
You can also see some of Sy's YouTube videos at his channel Faithful Syence at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQXuI1EBHajDPH8YJvePZYA
This is part two of an hour long interview. The first half was released in last week's podcast.
Amazon link to The Works of His Hands https://amzn.to/2QLJO6D (this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources showing how the integration of science and Christian faith can inspire a fuller knowledge of God).
Episode 19: The Works of His Hands: Interview with Biochemist Dr. Sy Garte (part 1)
Dr. Sy Garte has a remarkable story. Raised as an atheist, he came to follow Jesus in part because his training in science led him to question his materialist worldview. Hear the first half of his story in this week's episode. I encourage you to read the whole story in his recently published book, The Works of His Hands: A Scientists Journey from Atheism to Faith (linked below).
You can also see some of Sy's YouTube videos at his channel Faithful Syence at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQXuI1EBHajDPH8YJvePZYA
This is part one of an hour long interview. The second half will be released in next week's podcast.
Amazon link to The Works of His Hands https://amzn.to/2QLJO6D (this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources showing how the integration of science and Christian faith can inspire a fuller knowledge of God).
Dr. Sy Garte has a remarkable story. Raised as an atheist, he came to follow Jesus in part because his training in science led him to question his materialist worldview. Hear the first half of his story in this week's episode. I encourage you to read the whole story in his recently published book, The Works of His Hands: A Scientists Journey from Atheism to Faith (linked below).
You can also see some of Sy's YouTube videos at his channel Faithful Syence at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQXuI1EBHajDPH8YJvePZYA
This is part one of an hour long interview. The second half will be released in next week's podcast.
Amazon link to The Works of His Hands https://amzn.to/2QLJO6D (this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources showing how the integration of science and Christian faith can inspire a fuller knowledge of God).
Episode 18: Interview with Dr. Gregg Davidson, author of Friend of Science Friend of Faith part 2
Dr. Gregg Davidson is professor and chair of Geology and Geological Engineering at the University of Mississippi. In this week's episode we discussed his recent book Friend of Science Friend of Faith, where Gregg outlines his vision for the compatibility and harmony of science and Christian faith. This is part two of a two part discussion.
You can find information on all of Gregg's books (fiction and nonfiction) at http://greggdavidson.net/
Amazon link to Friend of Science Friend of Faith https://amzn.to/338U6mo
(this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Dr. Gregg Davidson is professor and chair of Geology and Geological Engineering at the University of Mississippi. In this week's episode we discussed his recent book Friend of Science Friend of Faith, where Gregg outlines his vision for the compatibility and harmony of science and Christian faith. This is part two of a two part discussion.
You can find information on all of Gregg's books (fiction and nonfiction) at http://greggdavidson.net/
Amazon link to Friend of Science Friend of Faith https://amzn.to/338U6mo
(this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Episode 17: Interview with Dr. Gregg Davidson, author of Friend of Science Friend of Faith
Dr. Gregg Davidson is professor and chair of Geology and Geological Engineering at the University of Mississippi. In this week's episode we discussed his recent book Friend of Science Friend of Faith, where Gregg outlines his vision for the compatibility and harmony of science and Christian faith. This is part one of a two part discussion.
Amazon link to Friend of Science Friend of Faith https://amzn.to/338U6mo
(this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Dr. Gregg Davidson is professor and chair of Geology and Geological Engineering at the University of Mississippi. In this week's episode we discussed his recent book Friend of Science Friend of Faith, where Gregg outlines his vision for the compatibility and harmony of science and Christian faith. This is part one of a two part discussion.
Amazon link to Friend of Science Friend of Faith https://amzn.to/338U6mo
(this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Episode 16: Is an evolving creation compatible with the Bible?
Christians see the Bible as the inspired word of God so we usually check for compatibility between ideas in science and what we learn from scripture. In this episode I will take a big picture perspective to review the first few chapters of Genesis as well as select verses from the New Testament, to determine if Evolutionary Creationism is compatible with a high view of scripture.
The book, The Lost World of Genesis One is a great book by Old Testament theologian John Walton outlining the idea that Genesis One describs the inauguration of the earth as a temple. Link to the book through Amazon https://amzn.to/2T5SoyJ
The book, The Lost World of Adam and Eve is another good reference by John Walton outlining views on Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 and 3. Link to the book trough Amazon https://amzn.to/397uHvu
(this are affiliate links, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources to help people see how integrating science and Christian faith can inspire a fuller knowledge of God).
Christians see the Bible as the inspired word of God so we usually check for compatibility between ideas in science and what we learn from scripture. In this episode I will take a big picture perspective to review the first few chapters of Genesis as well as select verses from the New Testament, to determine if Evolutionary Creationism is compatible with a high view of scripture.
The book, The Lost World of Genesis One is a great book by Old Testament theologian John Walton outlining the idea that Genesis One describs the inauguration of the earth as a temple. Link to the book through Amazon https://amzn.to/2T5SoyJ
The book, The Lost World of Adam and Eve is another good reference by John Walton outlining views on Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 and 3. Link to the book trough Amazon https://amzn.to/397uHvu
(this are affiliate links, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources to help people see how integrating science and Christian faith can inspire a fuller knowledge of God).
Episode 15: What do Christians believe about when and how God created, and why don't we all agree?
Many Christian are only aware of one view on origins (young earth creationism), and most Christians don't know why there are so many models for when and how God creation. This episode will discuss the six views on the of everything and which are compatible with Christian beliefs.
The book, Mapping the Origins Debate is a valuable resource for more detail on this topic. This is a link to Mapping the Origins Debate through Amazon. https://amzn.to/2uIdWIx
(this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Many Christian are only aware of one view on origins (young earth creationism), and most Christians don't know why there are so many models for when and how God creation. This episode will discuss the six views on the of everything and which are compatible with Christian beliefs.
The book, Mapping the Origins Debate is a valuable resource for more detail on this topic. This is a link to Mapping the Origins Debate through Amazon. https://amzn.to/2uIdWIx
(this is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Episode 14: Did evolution create, or solve more problems, for Christian thought?
Pope John Paul II said, "Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish." This week on the Disciple Science podcast we will begin our exploration of the origins debate by asking if evolution caused more problems or solved more problems for Christian thought.
Pope John Paul II said, "Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish." This week on the Disciple Science podcast we will begin our exploration of the origins debate by asking if evolution caused more problems or solved more problems for Christian thought.
Episode 13: Images of Divine Things: A conversation with Dr. Lisanne Winslow on her forthcoming book, A Great and Remarkable Analogy
Why did God create? This week I interview Dr. Lisanne Winslow to discuss her soon to be released book, A Great and Wonderful Analogy. She will outline the views she shares with Jonathan Edwards, the early American preacher and theologian, that God is using creation to reveal God's self to us.
Why did God create? This week I interview Dr. Lisanne Winslow to discuss her soon to be released book, A Great and Wonderful Analogy. She will outline the views she shares with Jonathan Edwards, the early American preacher and theologian, that God is using creation to reveal God's self to us.
- Link to Lisanne's faculty page - https://unwsp.edu/bio/lisanne-winslow
- Link to LIisanne's instagram page Urchinpoet - https://www.instagram.com/urchinpoet/
Episode 12: Suggestions for seeking God in nature.
Seeking God in nature may come easy to some but is new and uncomfortable for others. Dale provides some suggestions for how to bring scripture and nature together in this weeks episode.
Seeking God in nature may come easy to some but is new and uncomfortable for others. Dale provides some suggestions for how to bring scripture and nature together in this weeks episode.
Episode 11: What tools do you need to find God in nature?
Should an active imagination be a part of your journey of faith? The abundance of poetry in the scriptures and the rich metaphors describing God suggest that you do, but should it also be part of our search for meaning from creation?
Should an active imagination be a part of your journey of faith? The abundance of poetry in the scriptures and the rich metaphors describing God suggest that you do, but should it also be part of our search for meaning from creation?
Episode 10: Did Jesus and the Biblical authors use natural theology?
"The heavens reveal the glory of God," this refrain from Psalm 19 points to a connection between what we see in the natural world and our desire to know God, but did Jesus and the authors of scripture practice this method? This week we will explore the Bible for connections between nature and a clearer understanding of God.
"The heavens reveal the glory of God," this refrain from Psalm 19 points to a connection between what we see in the natural world and our desire to know God, but did Jesus and the authors of scripture practice this method? This week we will explore the Bible for connections between nature and a clearer understanding of God.
Episode 9: Natural Theology: Criticisms and Definitions
Before we explore the applications of natural theology, Dale seeks to define the term and addresses some of the criticisms of seeking God in creation.
Before we explore the applications of natural theology, Dale seeks to define the term and addresses some of the criticisms of seeking God in creation.
- Book Re-imaging Nature: The Promise of a Christian Natural Theology is a significant resource for this episode.
- (This is an affiliate link, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Episode 8: Has God authored two books of revelation?
There is an old concept, first introduced hundreds of years ago, that doesn't get much airtime in the modern western Church, that God authored two books of revelation. Not two actual book, but two metaphorical books, the books of scripture and the book of creation. This episode is the first of a series of episodes asking what we can know of God through the examination of creation.
There is an old concept, first introduced hundreds of years ago, that doesn't get much airtime in the modern western Church, that God authored two books of revelation. Not two actual book, but two metaphorical books, the books of scripture and the book of creation. This episode is the first of a series of episodes asking what we can know of God through the examination of creation.
Episode 7: Is there tension between science and Christian faith ? Q and R
Hear Dale respond to some of the questions that came in around the first video, Is there tension between science and Christian faith?
Links to resources mentioned in the episode (some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Hear Dale respond to some of the questions that came in around the first video, Is there tension between science and Christian faith?
Links to resources mentioned in the episode (some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of future videos and resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
- Web-page: Wikipedia list of Christians in science and technology
- Book: Biology through the eyes of faith by Richard Wright
- Book: God's undertaker: Has science buried God? by John Lennox
- Book: Surprised by Meaning: Science, Faith, and How We Make Sense of Things by Alister McGrath
- Book: Enriching our vision of Reality by Alister McGrath
Episode 6: Science and faith in the eyes of emerging adults: Conversation with Greg Cootsona
Do emerging adults see the relationship between science and faith in a different way?
Dale speaks with Greg Cootsona, author of Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults, to talk about modern views on the intersection of science and faith and how the emergence of technology and the internet is transforming our perceptions of the relationship?
Greg Cootsona teaches in the department of comparative religion and humanities at California State University at Chico. Greg directs Science for the Church, a project designed to bring the resources of science to strengthen congregational life. From 2016 to early 2019, he directed the Science and Theology for Emerging Adult Ministries at Fuller Seminary. Greg served as a pastor for 18 years, and he is published on numerous topics, recently focusing on the intersection of science and faith. He has authored the book Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults, which was published in 2018 by InterVarsity Press, and his book Negotiating Science and Religion in America: Past, Present, and Future will be published by Routledge Press next month. Greg also serves as an advisor to Biologos, DoSER (Dialogue on Science Ethics and Religion from the AAAS), Sinai and Synapses, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences.
Book recommendations from the episode (Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of educational resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults
Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think
Secularity and Science: What Scientists around the World Really Think about Religion
You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving Church and Rethinking Faith
Do emerging adults see the relationship between science and faith in a different way?
Dale speaks with Greg Cootsona, author of Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults, to talk about modern views on the intersection of science and faith and how the emergence of technology and the internet is transforming our perceptions of the relationship?
Greg Cootsona teaches in the department of comparative religion and humanities at California State University at Chico. Greg directs Science for the Church, a project designed to bring the resources of science to strengthen congregational life. From 2016 to early 2019, he directed the Science and Theology for Emerging Adult Ministries at Fuller Seminary. Greg served as a pastor for 18 years, and he is published on numerous topics, recently focusing on the intersection of science and faith. He has authored the book Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults, which was published in 2018 by InterVarsity Press, and his book Negotiating Science and Religion in America: Past, Present, and Future will be published by Routledge Press next month. Greg also serves as an advisor to Biologos, DoSER (Dialogue on Science Ethics and Religion from the AAAS), Sinai and Synapses, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences.
Book recommendations from the episode (Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, Disciple Science will receive a small commission. All of those funds will go into production of educational resources exploring the intersection of science and faith).
Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults
Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think
Secularity and Science: What Scientists around the World Really Think about Religion
You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving Church and Rethinking Faith
Episode 5: Should we assign blame for the tension between science and faith?
While assigning blame for a problem may provide a sense of relief, it won't necessarily make the issue go away. However, as we finish our brief tour of the history of the relationship between science and faith, we will find that both the Christian and scientific communities have missed steps. We should learn from those stories as we work to carve a way forward into a future where the two worlds can coexist and even overlap more peacefully.
While assigning blame for a problem may provide a sense of relief, it won't necessarily make the issue go away. However, as we finish our brief tour of the history of the relationship between science and faith, we will find that both the Christian and scientific communities have missed steps. We should learn from those stories as we work to carve a way forward into a future where the two worlds can coexist and even overlap more peacefully.
Episode 4: Will the methods of science lead us away from our faith?
Modern science assumes that no divine intervention is needed to explain the ways of the world. Will this approach to answering scientific questions leak into our psyche as we explore ideas of meaning and purpose? Listen in as Dale, Joel an Matt explore the concept of methodological naturalism as it is applied in the scientific method and how extrapolating from science into life can lead us into a naturalistic worldview.
Modern science assumes that no divine intervention is needed to explain the ways of the world. Will this approach to answering scientific questions leak into our psyche as we explore ideas of meaning and purpose? Listen in as Dale, Joel an Matt explore the concept of methodological naturalism as it is applied in the scientific method and how extrapolating from science into life can lead us into a naturalistic worldview.
Episode 3: Has there always been tension between science and Christianity?
Study after study confirms that the public perception of tension or conflict between science and faith. But is the tension real and has it always been there? This week, Joel, Dale, and Matt begin to discuss some of the history of the intersection between science and faith.
Study after study confirms that the public perception of tension or conflict between science and faith. But is the tension real and has it always been there? This week, Joel, Dale, and Matt begin to discuss some of the history of the intersection between science and faith.
Episode 2: What is Disciple Science?
This week on the Disciple Science Podcast, hear Matt, Dale, and Joel discuss why they formed Disciple Science and their goals for honest and responsible discussion of difficult and important topics.
This week on the Disciple Science Podcast, hear Matt, Dale, and Joel discuss why they formed Disciple Science and their goals for honest and responsible discussion of difficult and important topics.
Episode 1: Welcome to the Disciple Science Podcast
Welcome to the Disciple Science Podcast! Disciple Science exists to explore the intersection of science and faith and this podcast is one of several Disciple Science resources for that purpose. In this first episode, you'll get to meet hosts Dale Gentry, Joel Jueckstock and Matt Gill. You'll also get to hear about what we hope to accomplish through this podcast.
Welcome to the Disciple Science Podcast! Disciple Science exists to explore the intersection of science and faith and this podcast is one of several Disciple Science resources for that purpose. In this first episode, you'll get to meet hosts Dale Gentry, Joel Jueckstock and Matt Gill. You'll also get to hear about what we hope to accomplish through this podcast.