All Disciple Science content is free for you to embed into your videos or into your website, web app or mobile app for all non-profit purposes.
Applicable Restrictions
You can download or copy our content for free on your computer from our website with a few restrictions:
Playing at events and gatherings.
You do not need a license to play any of our content at your event or gathering. You can download the content from our website or stream it from our official channels.
Content Distribution?
This content can be freely broadcast on Public Broadcast channels worldwide.
Please email us at [email protected] to discuss uploading our videos to your website or mobile app if you choose not to embed videos through youtube.
Applicable Restrictions
- If you are charging users access to any embeds you must make it clearly visible to your user that the video was produced by Disciple Science and that all Disciple Science content is freely available for at www.disciplescience.com
- You may not upload our content to a new server or streaming service other than the one’s we provide.
You can download or copy our content for free on your computer from our website with a few restrictions:
- Do not edit the content in any way.
- Give credit to Disciple Science and our website www.disciplescience.com
- Do not attempt to commercialize or monetize the media for the purpose of making a profit.
Playing at events and gatherings.
You do not need a license to play any of our content at your event or gathering. You can download the content from our website or stream it from our official channels.
- Please credit Disciple Science and our website www.disciplescience.com
- Do not charge people to view the content.
Content Distribution?
This content can be freely broadcast on Public Broadcast channels worldwide.
Please email us at [email protected] to discuss uploading our videos to your website or mobile app if you choose not to embed videos through youtube.